Thursday, November 28, 2019
Looking At The Issues Of Child Abuse Cases Social Work Essay Example
Looking At The Issues Of Child Abuse Cases Social Work Essay In making some research for my term paper on Family Dynamics and Child Abuse I found some interesting points that were truly oculus catching. In my paper I will be speaking about how maltreatment as a kid could take to adult household force, how smoke and intoxicant could take to child maltreatment, how emphasis could do child maltreatment, and how a one parent/two parent family, stepfamilies, and not biological parents drama a portion in kid maltreatment. Harmonizing to H.B Nichols and B.L Harlow they province that in 1998 the US Department of Health and Human Services reported that the figure of kids capable to childhood maltreatment exceeded 900,000 ( Nichols, 402 ) . They stated that the fact combined the cognition that on any given twenty-four hours 5,000 young persons experiment with smoke, it provides an inducement to understand the association of childhood maltreatment and smoke origin ( Nichols, 402 ) . They found that adult females who reported childhood maltreatment were significantly more likely to describe alcohol addiction, drug dependence, and in add-on to behavior physical wellness and psychological well-being are negatively affected by a history of kid maltreatment ( Nichols, 402 ) . Childhood inauspicious effects include, frequent caput and tummy achings, trouble sleeping, hapless assurance, depression, self-destructive ideas, and larning jobs ( Nichols, 402 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Looking At The Issues Of Child Abuse Cases Social Work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Looking At The Issues Of Child Abuse Cases Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Looking At The Issues Of Child Abuse Cases Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Harmonizing to old research childhood maltreatment is frequently combined with adolescent maltreatment, a debatable issue as adolescence by and large encompasses the age of smoke ( Nichols, 402 ) . In old probes they found that it is strongly suggested that early life maltreatment is a important forecaster of smoking induction, more carefully assessed exposure ( Nichols, 402 ) . They found that the experience of maltreatment in the absence of fright of maltreatment was of boundary line as a forecaster of smoke ( Nichols, 404 ) . The concluding consequence was that increased smoke hazard was preponderantly associated with experience, instead than fright, of maltreatment, and mostly confined to sexual as compared with physical maltreatment ( Nichols, 404 ) . They observed that hazard of smoking among adult females who experienced both physical and sexual maltreatment, and a double hazard among adult females sexually abused during childhood after accommodation for faith, working categor y, and poorness ( Nichols, 404 ) . Harmonizing to Bente Haugland and the article of Recurrent Disruptions of Rituals and Routines in Families with Paternal Alcohol Abuse it stated that in old surveies it has indicated that parental intoxicant maltreatment disrupts household rites and modus operandis ( Storm, 225 ) . It is besides said that instability and capriciousness in household interaction contribute to maladjustment in kids of intoxicant maltreaters ( Storm, 225 ) . Harmonizing to household system theory, households have a inclination to keep established forms of behaviour in the face of alteration or hardship ( Storm, 226 ) . The degree of break of rites and modus operandis relates to parental imbibing may hence be an of import index of how alcohol maltreatment affects the household operation and could take to child maltreatment ( Storm, 226 ) . Keeping household rites and modus operandis has farther been related to better accommodations in kids in general, every bit good as kids of intoxicant mistreating paren ts during childhood and in grownup old ages ( Storm, 226 ) . In the article called Child Abuse and Interparental Violence leads to Adulthood Family Violence, they found that the rhythm of force postulates that victimized kids turn up to victimise others ( Heyman, 864 ) . There is copiousness of grounds and studies associating the commission of kid maltreatment and disregard with a childhood history of victimization ( Heyman, 864 ) . Harmonizing to Heyman there are 10 dealingss sharing the same nickname, but merely one to cover with kid maltreatment that leads to adulthood force which is that child victimization and exposure to interparental force lead to violent condemnable behaviour in maturity ( Heyman, 864 ) . When proving the hypothesis if child maltreatment leads to adulthood force they asked inquiries about being victimized by parent kid aggression, and each point being rated on the frequence graduated table ( Heyman, 866 ) . They found that the history of physical victimization in the household beginning was operationalized as a frequen ce greater than 0 on either the father-to-respondent or mother-to-respondent points ( Heyman, 866 ) . When asked inquiries about interparental force, each point was rated on the frequence graduated table and exposure to interparental force was operationalized as a frequence greater than 0 on either the father-to-mother or mother-to-father points ( Heyman, 866 ) . The consequences support the general rhythm of force hypothesis that household of origin force increases the hazard for maturity force ( Heyman, 868-69 ) . They found that adult females exposed to both interparental and parent kid force had significantly increased hazard for kid maltreatment commission and for spouse maltreatment commission and victimization ( Heyman, 869 ) . Work force exposed to both signifiers, instead than one signifier of household of origin force had dual the hazard of maltreatment victimization ( Heyman, 869 ) . In the research they found that for work forces one important chief consequence increased hazard for child ill-treatment, and that being the exposure to beget to fuss force in the household be ginning ( Heyman, 869 ) . In the research they found that for adult females the chief consequence being exposure to fuss child force increased hazard of spouse abuse victimization ( Heyman, 869 ) . The consequences of the proving indicated the importance of both physical victimization and exposure to interparental force in understanding the rhythm of force ( Heyman, 870 ) . Harmonizing to Richard Gelles, he states that kid maltreaters and abused kids were among the missing individuals of official statistics and societal problem/social policy literature prior to the late sixtiess instead than being entirely absent from the societal scene ( Gelles, 135 ) . The selective inattention to the job of maltreatment led to one of the more permeant myths about kid maltreatment, that is, that maltreatment is a much more widespread job today than it was historically ( Gelles, 135 ) . All indicants lead to the decision that physically opprobrious Acts of the Apostless arise out of typical antecedent conditions ( Gelles, 136 ) . It is said that an initial premise is that there is no nonsubjective behaviour which can automatically be recognized as kid maltreatment and in many cases of physical hurt of a kid ; there is no clear cut admittance of guilt or lawfully valid grounds of guilt available to the other parties ( Gelles, 137 ) . Child Abuse is considered aberrant because it has been defined as such in society and an person is abused or abuser because an audience or labeler has labeled an act inappropriate ( Gelles, 137 ) . Harmonizing to Gelles, kid maltreatment is the impression that person who physically beats or injures a kid is someway mentally disturbed or sick ( Gelles, 138 ) . Although there is strong grounds that contradicts such a place the sheer doggedness of the psychopathic attack to child maltreatment indicates that the theory of the kid maltreater as ill must be carry throughing some societal map ( Gelles, 138 ) . Parents who abuse are characterized by an inability to command aggression, and the inability to command aggression is determined merely after the parent displays it by crushing the kid ( Gelles, 138 ) . Harmonizing to Gelles it is said that some of the societal factors which are related to child maltreatment are unemployment, isolation, and unwanted gestation ( 138 ) . Child maltreatm ent is non equally distributed across the societal construction, but instead is more frequent in the lower parts of the societal ladder ( Gelles, 138 ) . It appears that the female parent is most likely to be the maltreater of the kid than any other grownup ( Gelles, 139 ) . There have been two chief factors that abuse arises from. The first is structural emphasis ( Gelles, 139 ) . The association between low income, instruction and occupational position and kid maltreatment, the findings that abuse occurs more often in larger households, indicates that a cardinal causal factor in kid maltreatment is unequal ( Gelles, 139 ) . The 2nd factor is the cultural norm refering force and force toward kids ( Gelles, 139 ) . In America it is said that kid maltreatment is possibly more common than is love ( Gelles, 139 ) . In an in-depth interview with 80 household members revealed that 96 % of the parents hit their kids, and 45 % of the sample hit their kids on a regular basis ( Gelles, 139 ) . With this happening it is said to state that force towards kids is culturally acceptable and even culturally mandated ( Gelles, 139 ) . Harmonizing to Jennifer Lansford and her survey she stated she examined associations between different household constructions ( 840 ) . It is found that kids in divorced and remarried households encounter more abuse so kids who live with both parents or with merely one parent ( Lansford, 842 ) . There has been grounds that stepparents navigate equivocal insider-outsider functions within new household signifiers and that parent kid relationships in households without two biological parents are characterized by greater distance and more struggle, which leads to more maltreatment ( Lansford, 842 ) . Harmonizing to Gelles and Harrop in a different article called The Hazard of Abusive Violence among Children with Non-genetic Caretakers they province that stepparents are thought to be at higher hazard for mistreating their kids is eventful ( Gelles, 78 ) . They province that If being a stepparent is considered a hazard factor, so stepparents who present to clinicians with injured kids are preferentially susceptible to be labeled opprobrious ( Gelles, 78 ) . In research that was done it is reported by official studies that 13.6 % of kid maltreatment was by stepparents ( Gelles, 78 ) . Stepfathers constituted about a 3rd of the male parents or male parent replacements who were involved as culprits of kid maltreatment ( Gelles, 78 ) . It was found that kids in places with stepparents were much more likely to be abused than kids who lived with both natural parents ( Gelles, 78 ) . It was said that kindergartners were 40 times likely to go abused than like elderly kids populating with two natural parents ( Gelles, 78 ) . The information on the hazard of maltreatment by stepparents can be criticized on methodological evidences ( Gelles, 79 ) . Clinicians expect that non-genetic parents are more likely to mistreat kids and with that hurt to kids with non-genetic parents are more likely to be diagnosed and reported as maltreatment ( Gelles, 79 ) . On the other manus divorce rates and force towards kids are higher among the hapless, and therefore the disproportional Numberss of non-genetic parents reported for kid maltreatment may be a map of income and non household composing ( Gelles, 79 ) . Another determination was that kids are disproportionately abused in stepparent families because grownups with by and large violent temperaments are likelier to see matrimonial dissolutions and so to happen themselves in reconstituted households ( Gelles, 79 ) . In an article called Child Abuse in Stepfamilies by Jean Giles-Sims and David Finkelhor, they say that kid maltreaters implicated untraditional type household constructions, including the individual parent household and the stepfamily ( Sims, 407 ) . He found that a big sum of maltreatment by stepfathers, which was found that a 3rd of the male parents or male parent replacements who were involved as culprits of kid maltreatment ( Sims, 407 ) . It is said that bulk of kid maltreatment is unreported to governments or professionals ( Sims, 407 ) . In the National Incidence Study findings reported show the per centum of stepparents and natural parents identified as maltreatment culprits by type of maltreatment ( Sims, 407 ) . It showed that maltreatment by stepfathers was 15 % , by the male parent it was 45 % , by the stepmother it was 3 % and by the female parent it was 66 % ( Sims, 407 ) . If stepparents were more likely to mistreat their kids than natural parents, about 10 % of steppa rents would be identified as maltreaters ( Sims, 408 ) . There are kids who have stepparents with whom they do non populate with but are still abused by them ( Sims, 408 ) . They found that stepfathers would stem from the overrepresentation of stepparents among lower socio economic groups and that the bulk of child maltreatment studies come from the lower socio-economic groups ( Sims, 409 ) . It was said that any investing by the parent in an single progeny that increases the progeny s opportunity of lasting at the cost of the parents ability to put in other offspring ( Sims, 409 ) . They besides said that stepparents have lesser investing in and hence are more likely to mistreat non-biological kids, because those kids do non transport their cistrons ( Sims, 409 ) . In the article The Contribution of Stress to Child Abuse, by Richard Barth and Betty Blythe they found great significance of the relationship between emphasis and maltreatment ( Barth, 477 ) . Although emphasis contributes to child maltreatment, the precise connexion remains unsure ( Barth, 477 ) . They found that an early preparation of the emphasis and kid maltreatment relationship suggests that opprobrious behaviour is unleashed by symbolic or concrete incidents perceived as nerve-racking grownups who are susceptible to mistreat from unequal upbringings ( Barth, 478 ) . Contemporary emphasis theory provides support for a phenomenological account of emphasis in kid maltreatment ( Barth, 478 ) . They suggest that isolated situational crises allow a individual clip to mobilise resources and therefore circumvent unprompted action ( Barth, 479 ) . Life crises on the other manus could put the basis for kid maltreatment ( Barth, 480 ) . Harmonizing to an article The Economic Environment of Child Abuse it is said that hapless kids are more likely than non-poor kids to be abused ( Kruttschnitt, 299 ) . It is found from official informations that indicate kid maltreatment instances are disproportionately drawn from low income households ( Kruttschnitt, 299 ) . Harmonizing to a study they found that maltreatment were more likely to be serious or fatal among households who had the lowest one-year incomes ( Kruttschnitt, 299 ) . Many kids who are hapless now will travel out of poorness within one or two old ages, while others will stay hapless for most of their lives ( Kruttschnitt, 300 ) . These fluctuations in poverty history may be related to fluctuations in the badness and the reoccurrence of maltreatment ( Kruttschnitt, 300 ) . Harmonizing to Marian Marion she states that societal situational position, i.e. , that kid maltreatment has multiple causes, some that exist within and some that exist outside the household system ( Marion, 575 ) . She found that intrapersonal life situational and cultural factors contribute to child maltreatment ( Marion, 575 ) . Life situational forces are environmental factors that contribute to household emphasis, which leads to child maltreatment ( Marion, 575 ) . Cultural forces are besides considered precursors of kid maltreatment and non cognizing the development capablenesss and restrictions of kids may take some parents to hold unrealistic outlooks of their kids ( Marion, 575 ) . Many grownups accidentally socialise kids into kid maltreatment by which patterning coercive subject that is learned and rehearsed and therefore has a outstanding topographic point in the kid s hierarchy of responses ( Marion, 577 ) . Marion states that because the root of much kid maltreatment is the credence of coercion as subject, a school based plan should besides include information on positive kid counsel ( 577 ) . Children s anxiousness symptoms were higher in those kids whose parents obtained higher abuse possible tonss and had harsher subject patterns ( Rodriguez, 809 ) . Children s depressive symptoms and some constituents of maladaptive attributional manner besides found in households with higher maltreatment potency ( Rodriguez, 809 ) . Child abuse frequently consequences from unintended escalation while administrating physical penalty for sensed kid evildoings ( Rodriguez, 809 ) . It was found that kids who are abused are more likely than not abused kids to show such features as oppositionality, behaviour jobs, depression, and fright, societal withdraw, and lower ego regard ( Rodriguez, 810 ) . Decision: In decision, there were many findings that could reply the inquiry of what household kineticss affect or cause child maltreatment. The research provided many replies about kid maltreatment and could assist find what the chief causes are that lead to child maltreatment. Like I mentioned before, kid maltreatment is a really serious issue and it happens on a day-to-day footing. Child maltreatment leads to all kinds of jobs as the kid gets older, some to include depression, anxiousness, fright, separation, and even self-destructive ideas. Majority of the clip kids who are being abused maintain quiet because they fear they will acquire in more problem or because they do nt desire to acquire the maltreater in problem. Child maltreatment needs to halt and it could halt if we as grownups or as people could halt forcing the issue to the dorsum of our heads and trade with the state of affairs. This subject is related to many current issues in today s universe. Child Abuse is a job in today s society and me being a Social and Behavior Major and a Social Work Minor, this issue of child maltreatment would assist me truly understand the state of affairs a little more. Learning and reading more of this issue helped me to open my eyes and be more sensitive to seeing the small marks that kids express in so many words.
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