Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Abuse- a Child Called It - 1727 Words

In American society today we fail to address several issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, child abuse is one of the major issues that our country is plagued with, yet we neglect to bring this to the attention of the entire nation. It is often over looked because everyone has a different view of what exactly defines child abuse. The International Child Abuse Network (ICAN) uses four basis catigories to docunment the child abuse cases. They are: emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. I will be describing the first three. Emotional Abuse, (also known as: Verbal abuse, mental abuse, and psychological cruelty) includes acts or the failures to act by parents or caretakers that have caused or could cause†¦show more content†¦For example, statistics on approximately 20 percent of fatalities in 2002 were reported from health departments and fatality review boards, compared to 11.4 percent for 2001, an indication of greater attention directed towards the issue and better organization of the data that was collected among agencies has obviously been handled with a little more relevancy. The statistics above bring to my attention that society has as much responsibility in contributing to child abuse as the person that is actually committing the act of abuse. It is a vicious cycle that can be stopped, but has not been stopped for reasons discussed below. Massive numbers of children are affected by these heinous crimes who live on to possibly become abusers themselves. The hatred is passed on to further generations, and with out even noticing, society turns its back and uses the irresponsible excuse what happens behind closed doors is none of my business. The fact of the matter is, that children have been have been forced to accept being punished for the sick pleasures of others through intimidation, isolation, and guilt. I have been reading a book called A Child Called It. This is the story of a young boy named David Pelzer who, in order to survive, must triumph over the truly horrendous abuse inflicted by his mother. The excessive use ofShow MoreRelatedEssay Child Abuse in A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer1710 Words   |  7 PagesUnfortunately, child abuse is one of the major issues that our country is plagued with, yet we neglect to bring this to the attention of the entire nation. It is often over looked because everyone has a different view of what exactly defines child abuse. The International Child Abuse Network (ICAN) uses four basis categories to docunment the child abuse cases. They are: emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. I will be describing the first three. Emotional Abuse, (also knownRead More Child Abuse and the Importance of Belonging Discussed in David Pelzers A Child Called It1689 Words   |  7 PagesA Child Called It explores the traumatic story of child abuse and how the choices made by one person affects another’s sense of belonging. The story is only from one point of view as it’s a biography, written by the man who experienced trauma at such a tender age. David Pelzer, as a child, dealt with rejection daily and not only from his mother but classmates, teachers and ultimately his biggest enemy, himself. A Child Called It, as the title denotes depreciation and an impersonal relationshipRead MoreEssay on Severe Childhood Abuse in A Child Called It882 Words   |  4 Pagesendure a form of abuse. Some experience emotional abuse while others experience physical abuse. Other children, like Dave Pelzer, are faced with both. Dave had to grow up in a family of two alcoholic parents. He was severely beaten and tortured by his mother and was neglected by his father. Dave had to spend his childhood in fear of his life. Although sad, his story gives others hope that they too can experience an abusive childhood and live to tell about it. A Child Called It is a book aboutRead MoreA thesis paper on child abuse with a look into Dave Pelzers autobiography A Child Called IT Outlines various types of child abuse and prevention suggestions.3133 Words   |  13 PagesTitled Child Abuse.A thesis paper on child abuse with a look into Dave Pelzers autobiography United States more than three children die as a result of child abuse in the home. That is more than 1,000 children a year and most of these children are under the age of six. ( You may be wondering, what exactly is child abuse? Of what does it consist? Are there different types? What are the signs? Read on to find all the answers and take a look into the lifeRead MoreThe autobiographical narrative, A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer recounts the harrowing abuse he800 Words   |  4 PagesThe autobiographical narrative, A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer recounts the harrowing abuse he endured at the hands of a figure that should represent security and comfort-his mother. Between the ages of 4-12 Pelzer suffered mental, physical and emotional torment from his alcoholic mother, ostracizing him from his family. A dwelling that should symbolize a sanctuary for an innocent child instead became an abusive containment facility. In documenting the raw images of his scarred past, PelzerRead MoreChild Abuse1192 Words   |  5 Pages Doug mikel Child Abuse Sociology 111 Tues./Thurs. 8a-9:15a Tina Harrell 9/21/2014 Imagine living a life you fear, one you have to keep a secret. Always pretending to be happy and carefree when deep down thinking, Please don t let this day be the last. Living in a house where painful marks and scars are hidden by long sleeves, and jeans. Looking over your shoulder wondering when the next assault is going to be. â€Å"Almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse.  Ã‚  More than threeRead MoreAbuse and Heredity1429 Words   |  6 PagesAbuse and Heredity Research question: Is child abuse hereditary? There are many types of abuse such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic abuse just to name a few but of all the types of abuse there is one type of abuse that is probably one of the easiest to pass down and that is child abuse. Child abuse is easy to pass down because we look to what we know when were not certain what to do. The term for passing down child abuse is known as intergenerational abuse. There are four methods of childRead MoreThe Difference Between Child Abuse And Discipline1200 Words   |  5 Pages Do you know the difference between child abuse and discipline? Child Abuse is when someone physically and mentally hurts another person. Discipline is teaching someone or something to do the right thing. Child Abuse is very common in the United States. Many children suffer from bruising, swelling skin, and broken bones. Situations like this happen because of problems at home or personal problems. Parents at home abuse their children because of drinking and depression issues. In this crazy worldRead MorePsychological And Social Aspects Of Child Abuse895 Words   |  4 PagesChild abuse has been an ongoing problem throughout the years that can affect a child from infancy all throughout adulthood. There are three kinds of child abuse. The first one is emotional abuse, it involves the psychological and social aspects of child abuse. It is usually seen when a parent cares more about their personal needs and goals rather than their children. The type of parenting style is characterized as overt aggression towards children or intimidation and manipulation. The parentsRead MoreChild Abuse And Children All Over The World1689 Words   |  7 PagesChild abuse happens to children all over the world. There are four different types of child abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and child neglect. Approximately 5 children die everyday because of child abuse. child abuse can physically and mentally harm a child by having Symptoms of nightmares, depression, and isolation. These symptoms can continue into adulthood. â€Å"one out of three girls and one out of five boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18†. nobody knows what

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