Monday, December 30, 2019

Meals to Eat during an Event - 1731 Words

Meals the day BEFORE the event The meals the day before the event would normally consist of consuming a lot of carbohydrates, as well as other vitamin, minerals, proteins etc. but mostly carbohydrates, this is also known as â€Å"Carbohydrate Loading† or just â€Å"Carb Loading†. Carb Loading is essential as all it is, is storing energy therefore, using it all up for the day after which also makes you last longer, especially when it’s an all-day event such as my chosen sport. Carb Loading has been demonstrated to improve endurance exercise by allowing athletes to exercise at their optimal pace for a longer time. It is estimated that carb loading can improve your performance over a set distance by 2-3% Breakfast – Low-Fibre Breakfast Cereal†¦show more content†¦It is also important because when playing the sport, you are parts of muscles which lead to some sort of building in the muscle. the carbs will produce that being, that is where protein will come essential. Breakfast – 2 Scrambled eggs with grilled tomato. Scrambled is a must when aiming for protein in your breakfast, about 50% of protein is consumed within scrambled eggs, it also a good source of riboflavin and selenium and with grilled tomato, it just tops it off with its magnificent taste ! Grilled Tomatoes is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is also a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin E, vitamin k, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, and a very good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and manganese. By adding these two foods together, they create a good source of protein intake! Morning Tea – Trail mix which involves sunflower seeds, mixed nuts, cranberries, goji berries and raw cacao nibs. Trail mix is a great source of protein, sunflower seeds themselves are also a fantastic way to quell hunger and a great source of vitamin E and B1, also being very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. It is also a good source of niacin, folate, pantothenic acid and iron, and a very good source of protein as mentioned previously, thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese and selenium. Mixed nuts have a magnificent taste to them as they provide the essentials, very lowShow MoreRelatedHow Nutrition Is Important And Can Enhance Athletic Performance944 Words   |  4 PagesIt is well known that nutrition is very important and can enhance athletic performance. Although college athletes require training and skills, they also require a quality diet. Athletes who eat healthy and consume an adequate diet perform better than those who eat poorly. However, m any athletes do not know how important nutrition is, how much is required, and how it can affect their overall health and physical output. 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