Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Alzheimer s Disease Of The Scientific World Essay

In 1906, Alzheimer’s disease entered the scientific world. Till this day, it is one of the most studied neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers have come a long way with scientific outcomes on the disease, but unfortunately there is no official cure, or a concise reason on how this disease is generated. The disease has been recognized to being genetic and affecting people in their later years, roughly around their sixtieth year. Alzheimer’s disease affects the person’s memory, language, judgment and even their daily tasks. While the disease continues to dramatically progress, it begins to affect all regions of the brain, causing the person to lose almost all of their functions. When the person has reached their final stage, they are no longer able to recognize themselves or their surroundings and would need full time dependent care. According to the Alzheimer’s Association (alz.org, 2016), the person may have up to eight years max to live after diagnosis. There are several methods in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease such as: asking the person about their family medical history, conducting memory tests, carrying out standard medical tests (urine and blood) and brain scans like CT’s, MRI’s and PET’s (NIH.gov, 2016). The only way the disease can be verified is after death, because brain tissue can then be studied for a complete diagnosis (NIH.gov, 2016). Researching Alzheimer’s disease has been a continuous obstacle for all scientists. They have made miraculous advances in theirShow MoreRelatedAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia1427 Words   |  6 PagesDementia, known as one of the world s current pandemics, is estimated to be the fourth most common cause of death in the developed country, second only to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. With the aging population, dementia has gradually become a serious threat to the health of the elderly people in Australia. 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